Museumspädagogin Frau Althaus

Julia Althaus

Julia Althaus is the contact person for our museum education service for children and schools. She is happy to help with queries and is responsible for taking bookings for these events.
Tel: 0049-8341-966 83 90


Frau Gräser am Computer sitzend, vor ihr auf dem Schreibtisch liegen Unterlagen

Annelie Gräser

Annelie Gräser has been working for the museum in a voluntary capacity since July 2014. She is the contact person for our museum education service for pre-school institutions, for example projects such as “Geschichten mit Helmut Holzwurm” and "Eine Zeitreise mit Lisa".


Tel.: 0049-8341-966 83 915
(Wednesday, 7.30 - 12.30)


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